Penticton Drug Alert
Here is a link to download a printable version of the Trail Drug Alert.
Here is a link to download a printable version of the West Kootenay drug advisory.
Here is a link to download a printable version of the Grand Forks drug alert.
Here is a link to download a printable version of the drug advisory.
DOWN with high concentration of fluorofentanyl associated with multiple overdoses
Sold as Down, Fentanyl, Dope – Light green, blue and purple pebbles
High concentration of fluorofentanyl.
Positive for benzodiazepines.
High risk of overdose, High risk of fatal overdose.
Mixing with alcohol can be especially dangerous.
Focus on breathing if naloxone appears to not resolve overdose symptoms.
Using in the cold increases chances of overdose.
Smoking is NOT safer than injecting. Take care when smoking drugs by using a little at a time and waiting a few minutes, as some effects can take longer to appear.
Naloxone does not work on Benzos, BUT naloxone will work on the opioid overdose symptoms. After giving breaths and naloxone, the person may begin breathing normally, but may not wake up. More doses of naloxone should only be given if the person is not breathing normally (less than 10 breaths a minute). If the person is breathing normally but remains unconscious, place in recovery position and stay with them until emergency services arrive.
No matter what or how you use (oral, smoking, snorting, injecting) take steps to prevent overdose
Here is a link to download a printable version of the Trail drug alert.
Here is a link to download a printable version of the Castlegar and Nelson drug alert.