Methamphetamine tests positive for benzos in Vernon and Kelowna

The Drug Checking Team at UBCO has issued the following Community Warning for Vernon and Kelowna: Multiple samples of methamphetamine “SIDE” sold as Methamphetamine “SIDE” tested positive for BENZODIAZEPINES + METHAMPHETAMINES in Vernon/Kelowna.
Potential undesirable effects: Sleepiness, memory loss, altered thinking, delusions of safety/sobriety, risky behavior, passing out.
- Many benzos cause a strong feeling when inhaled
- Taking multiple doses will cause more undesirable effects
- Sedation can last minutes to hours
- If you do not use benzos, this will have a stronger effect for you
- If someone passes out from meth, make sure they can breathe and do not leave them alone
- Naloxone will not work on benzos, but always give naloxone when in doubt
- Benzos can cause intense withdrawal symptoms
Please ensure your clients are aware of safer drug use tips that can help prevent overdose as well as where they can access naloxone, drug checking and other overdose prevention services in your community.
Overdose response:
Naloxone does not work on Benzos, BUT naloxone will work on the opioid overdose symptoms. After giving breaths and naloxone, the person may begin breathing normally, but may not wake up. More doses of naloxone should only be given if the person is not breathing normally (less than 10 breaths a minute). If the person is breathing normally but remains unconscious, place in recovery position and stay with them until emergency services arrive.
No matter what or how you use (smoking, snorting, injecting) take steps to prevent overdose
- Know the risks when mixing drugs
- If you must use while alone, consider using the Lifeguard app which can connect you with 911 emergency responders if you overdose. Download at the App Store or Google Play.
- When using your substance start with a small amount, and then go slow.
- Use with others or at an Overdose Prevention or Supervised Consumption Site, if one is near you.
- Know how to respond to an overdose – call 911, give rescue breaths and naloxone.
VERNON Community drug warning_03-06-22_Meth and benzos
KELOWNA Community drug warning_03-06-22_Meth and benzos