Drug Checking Report for Interior Health – August 2022 – BCCSU

The BCCSU publishes Provincial and regional monthly reports that summarize drug checking results. Here is the August 2022 report from samples collected by Drug Checking Sites across the Interior Health region.
Key Findings
- There was an increase in total drug checks in Interior this month, due mostly to drug checking services provided at a
festival that occurred in the region, where 89 samples were tested. A separate report on larger festivals in the region will be
published later in the fall. - The percentage of opioids testing positive for benzodiazepines in the region increased from 61.6%, to 67.9% in August (57 of
84 samples). Trends may be hard to infer due the large geographic region, and the true rate may be higher than reported here
as etizolam, a benzodiazepine-like substance, may be missed by drug checking technologies. - Etizolam was the most frequent benzodiazepine detected by FTIR in the month of August, found present in 4 opioid samples.
- One alert was issued regarding a down sample that contained a high concentration of fentanyl and benzodiazepines
(bromazolam and flubromazepam).
Find the full report here.