ANKORS Nelson – Drug Checking Report – Week of Sept 19, 2021

On Wednesday this week, ANKORS set up a pop up OPS and testing site next to the United Church in Trail. It was successful for a first event, not only to help folks get their stuff tested and consume drugs in a safer environment, but also to connect together people involved with the opioid crisis in the region! On top of that, it gave an opportunity for the local population to see what these services can bring to the community.
In Trail, we tested typical samples of side (Methamphetamine) and Down (Fentanyl or analog).
Notable finds include:
A brown powder looking like compact cacao powder, tested as having a strong concentration of fentanyl as well as presence of benzodiazepine. Please tread cautiously if you see this one around, as it looks like a mixture that could easily create a situation of overdose that is hard to deal with.
A sample that was recurring was a beige chunky substance that tested low in fentanyl but still gave strong effects, as anecdotally reported by those who were getting it tested. It could contain a potent analogue of Fentanyl. It tested negative for benzos.
As for ANKORS in Nelson, we tested samples of MDMA that were actually MDA. This is a great reason to come in and use the drug checking service!
We are open for testing next Wednesday but are closed for National Reconciliation day on the Thursday. As always, safe and discrete 24/7 drop off is available through our mailing slot in an envelope with some contact info.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions